Welcome to the statewide student transportation system for students attending schools outside their district.
These include private, parochial, charter schools, career & technical education centers and approved programs, and schools serving students with disabilities. This program maximizes the sharing of buses when possible to achieve service and cost efficiencies.
Rhode Island’s school districts are facing many dilemmas in meeting student needs with little or no increases in funding, and look to the state for not only direct education aid, but also for statewide solutions to issues not easily handled on a district by district basis.
Rhode Island has made an active effort to streamline and make more efficient services provided to its citizens. RIDE works closely with school districts to increase efficiency and reduce costs. The Statewide Transportation System is one example of this work. Website is available in multiple languages- choose “Select Language” at upper right of page.
The Rhode Island Public Health Institute’s mission is to promote community health and eliminate health disparities in Rhode Island and beyond.
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