Rhode Island Supplemental and Emergency Food Delivery Providers

Resource Information

About Rhode Island Supplemental and Emergency Food Delivery Providers

In 2021, more than 75 Hunger Elimination Task Force participants discussed the needs and uses for emergency and supplemental food delivery information. This group agreed that the state needed a resource that aggregated up-to-date information on existing emergency and supplemental food delivery services. With 1 in 6 households in Rhode Island continuing to experience food insecurity, strengthening and investing in our food delivery infrastructures is as important as ever. This guide will be updated annually and feedback on any aspect of this resource is welcome. Please email info@rifoodcouncil.org with questions or updates to this information.

Rhode Island’s Supplemental and Emergency Food Delivery Providers: This resource guide has been created to help those who provide services to food insecure citizens get nutritious food delivered to them. This guide can also serve as a resource for policy makers, agency leaders and other stakeholders to help identify where there are gaps in meeting community-level needs that require investments in infrastructure or other medium to longer term solutions.